Organised by: Tipping Point UK
physical event

1 Churchill Place, Cabot Square, Canary Wharf, LondonE14 5RB, United Kingdom

On the eve of UN climate talks in Glasgow, people-powered actions and climate justice memorials will make it clear - in location and message alike - at whose doorstep the blame for the loss and damage of climate injustice lies. On October 29, people around the world are joining together to demand that bankers, insurers and fund managers #DefundClimateChaos.

It’s past time to turn off the money pipeline to oil, coal and gas companies and start investing in climate justice and a safer future for us all.

As the UK's biggest financer of coal, and Europe's largest funder of fossil fuel infrastructure, Barclays is pouring cash directly into the industry most responsible for driving climate chaos.

Join campaigners at Barclays HQ at 3pm on October 29 to demand an end to their funding of the climate crisis.